Thank you God,
for informing me about Wholeness (and the wounded soul)  . . .
that when communication or harmony is off between the body, the soul and the spirit it's time to put in some effort - First, find the cause of your discomfort then start healing . . .
Self Love - caring for yourself before you care for others
others to be who they are and you to be who you are.
Gratitude -
Thanks for the hard to swallow learning lesson
Thank you, God, for your grace and guidance.For intuition, luck, hope and dreams.Thank you for the ever-present abundance that is reflected in each moment of my life.
And lastly, thank you for our loving relatives friends and delicious food and thank you God for helping those who cannot help themselves.  AMEN

A huge obstacle to wholeness is that we experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest (Maybe you got burned). A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty

This is a phase of healing . . .
Denial -
The beginning of emotional, physical, mental or spiritual trauma. Denial is used to forget the experience and provide physical comfort and safety. We become numb. Energy becomes blocked and produces enough pain so we must just close down. There appears to be a direct relationship of numbing out memories and physical pain in the body so that we can survive.
Therefore, it appears the first level of healing is to experience (but not yet on a conscious level) what we have buried. It is what is hidden that leave us feeling unstable, weakened and ill.
If we stay at this level it reduces the possibility for our personal growth.

This is another phase of healing . . .
Self Blame -
The beginning of healing that may last minutes or decades. Self blame produces awareness of the issues and may evoke anger. Energy seems to be moving and is often felt in the body with high levels of intensity. The purpose of this level of healing is to have us notice the pain and to move towards self love and self acceptance and desire to find creative solutions for our lives.

Other Phases of healing . . .
Blaming Others - Feeling the victim, bargaining to understand why this experience is in our life.
- Self righteousness, how dare you!
Surviving -
Energy begins to move more freely and we feel a lessening or healing of the pain.
Integrating the Experience -
We feel a new openness and begin to see new possibilities to explore.
Understanding the Serendipity of Life
- Life is perfect - it is only our own belief systems that make that untrue.
Let's Talk about Loneliness 
Let's talk about Trust

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