Thank you God .. .
For helping us think it through. We too often are influenced by what others think of us.
Sometimes we pretend to be richer, smarter, or nicer.
Thank you for helping us not gloat over praise or be discouraged by criticism.
Thank you for helping us not invent situations or imagine us as most heroic, charming or witty.
Thank you for showing us how to be humble and nice.
And lastly, thank you for our loving relatives friends and delicious food and thank you God for helping those who cannot help themselves. And so it is. AMEN
If I were to die tomorrow,
What would I say today?
Would I confess all my boo boos?
Or would I still just say hey?
Would I hug a little tighter?
Would I love a little deeper?
Would I smile a little brighter?
Would I speak a little sweeter?